What is the difference between "there" and "their"?

5 Answers

"There" and "Their"

"There" refers to a location. Sometimes the location is very generalized, so sometimes specification needs to be made. ("Look over there!" "Where?")

"Their" refers to possession and is "they"s possession word. It can reference something that belongs to more than one person on ("Their car is blue"), or to someone with the "they" pronoun ("They left their pencil there on the table")

"Look over there" "The cafe is over there"
"Their house is pretty" "Their cat is fat"

There vs Their

There and their only have differences in writing! In everyday speech, there is no difference because they sound the exact same.

*A helpful tip for knowing when to write "their" instead of there: If you can replace "their" with the word "the", then you have correctly used the word "their".

example: Their cat is fat. (Now replace "their" with "the") The cat is fat. (Perfect!! "Their" was used correctly!)

If the sentence sounds weird with "the", then you probably need to use "there" instead of "their".

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There? their? which one is an adjective?

"Their" is a possessive adjective

Like all adjectives, it comes before the noun it modifies. In this case, it shows the possession of something.

Their dog kept barking once we arrived.

"their dog" simply means "the dog that belongs to them"

The possessive adjectives are "my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose."

- Whose book is it?

- it is my book.

"There" can take serveral grammatical roles; the most common one is to refer to something at a relatively far distance. (opposite to "here")

- Where is your laptop?

- it is there, right next to my bag.


Possessive adjective - their (spelling). T H E I R.

This is their house. (It belongs to them.) (They live in their house)
Learn them all: My, your, his, her, its, our, their.
My car is old. Your house is big. His hair is long. Her hair is black.
Its got four legs. Our dog is cute. Their school is new.

Possessive adjectives; (An adjective tells you about a noun.)
A Possessive Adjective tells you about a noun, but also tells you who it belongs to or who owns it.


Is it "THEIR" or "THERE"?

There - talking about a specific location

Their - if you are describing a noun or a person.

THEIR and THERE in a sentence:

Their house is big.

She is there already.

Don't be confused!

THERE is an adverb.

THEIR is a determiner.


Their or Their

The correct spelling is their, with the E before the I. Read on to learn more about what their means and how to use this word correctly.

Their true word instead of thier so good luck all
