What does "cheesing" mean?

9 Answers

The term "cheesing" is often used in gaming, especially in the context of cheating or using unfair strategies to win. In this context, "cheesing" likely refers to the use of cheap or low-quality tactics to win, in the same way that cheap or low-quality cheese is not as desirable as high-quality cheese.


The term "cheesing" is often used in gaming to refer to the use of cheap or low-quality tactics to win. This can include using glitches or exploits in the game to gain an unfair advantage, or using strategies that are considered unbalanced or overpowered.

For example, a player might be accused of "cheesing" if they use a glitch to kill all their opponents without giving them a chance to fight back, or if they use a character or weapon that is overpowered compared to the other options in the game.


  • "That guy was cheesing so hard, he didn't even give me a chance to fight back."

  • "I can't believe they nerfed the character I was cheesing with. Now I have to use a different strategy."

  • "I don't mind losing, but I don't want to be beaten by some cheesy tactic."


  1. Write a sentence using "cheesing" to describe a cheap or unfair tactic in a game.

  2. Write a sentence using "cheesing" to describe a character or weapon that is overpowered.

  3. Write a conversation between two gamers discussing "cheesing" in a game.

  4. Write a paragraph describing a situation where "cheesing" was used to win a game.

  5. Write a paragraph explaining the difference between "cheesing" and using a legitimate, well-thought-out strategy to win a game.

  6. Complete the sentence with "cheesing":

  • "That guy was __________ so hard, he didn't even give me a chance to fight back."

  • "I can't believe they nerfed the character I was __________ with. Now I have to use a different strategy."

  • "I don't mind losing, but I don't want to be beaten by some __________ tactic."

    1. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

  • "That guy was _______ so hard, he didn't even give me a chance to fight back."

A. cheesing B. hacking C. glitching D. exploiting

  • "I can't believe they nerfed the character I was _______ with. Now I have to use a different strategy."

A. cheesing B. hacking C. glitching D. exploiting

  • "I don't mind losing, but I don't want to be beaten by some _______ tactic."

A. cheesing B. hacking C. glitching D. exploiting


In conclusion, "cheesing" is a term often used in gaming to describe the use of cheap or unfair tactics to win. This can include using glitches or exploits in the game, or using overpowered characters or weapons. It is often seen as a negative term, implying that the person using "cheesing" tactics is not playing the game fairly or skillfully.

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"Cheesing" can have a few different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used. Here are a few possibilities:


  1. In gaming, "cheesing" can refer to using tactics that are considered cheap or unfair in order to win. For example, a player might "cheese" by exploiting a glitch in the game or by choosing a character or strategy that is overpowered compared to their opponent.

  2. "Cheesing" can also refer to using a shortcut or exploit in order to achieve something more easily or quickly than intended. For example, a player might "cheese" through a difficult level by using a cheat code or by finding a secret passage that allows them to bypass obstacles.

  3. More generally, "cheesing" can refer to taking an easy or lazy approach to something in order to get ahead or avoid effort. For example, a student might "cheese" their way through a test by cheating rather than studying, or a worker might "cheese" their way through a project by cutting corners or not putting in maximum effort.

It's worth noting that "cheesing" is generally seen as a negative term, as it implies that someone is taking an unfair or dishonest advantage rather than earning their success through hard work and fair play.


Say Cheese

Cheese is a commonly used idiom to encourage people to smile while taking pictures.


Cheesing is a derived from that phrase and when someone has an exaggerated smile they are "cheesing."


I have no idea

The structure of this is so weird

What is cheesing even?

and who are they?

who reads this stuff?

So for example, "they" call something cheesing?

Finally, in my research I came upon the term "cheesing" to be used as a gaming jargon meaning a situation in which a player uses powerful strategies that are far too easy to use and almost impossible for your opponent.


Cheesing and it's Meaning

Cheesing means Smiling when it comes to taking photos. A form of slang for our modern world.

The reason we call it "cheesing" is because a photographer will tell you to say the word cheese so that they can get a nice big smile from you. Usually where they will be able to see your teeth because of the way the word is structured itself. The CH sound makes you put your teeth together and slightly open your mouth, as the rest of the word makes you form the smile.

When you say the word CHEESE itself you are automatically showing your teeth. Try doing it in the mirror! You'll see what I mean!

A note to remember is that Cheese is a noun BUT when you are using it in the context of CHEESING it becomes a verb.

There is a fun article to learn more about the history of saying Cheese itself when you want someone to smile for a photo: The Origin of "Say Cheese" and When People Started Smiling in Photographs (todayifoundout.com)


Cheesing is an Internet slang term referring to the practice of purposefully exploiting a glitch or other elements of gameplay mechanics to the player's

“Cheese" is a term used to refer to anything cheap, unfair, or something that is easy to do, does much damage, and requires no skill.

For example, some people consider the Ken fireball, fireball, dragon punch combo to be cheese because it can be next to impossible to get out of it


The term "cheesing" is used in various contexts, but it generally refers to using a strategy or tactic that is considered unfair or cheap in order to gain an advantage.

The term is often used in video games, where it refers to using certain techniques or glitches to gain an unfair advantage over other players.


Why do they call it "cheesing"?

The term cheesing is often used in the context of video games to refer to a tactic or strategy that is considered unfair or cheap. This term comes from the fact that such tactics are often seen as a way to "cheat" or take advantage of the game's mechanics in order to gain an advantage over other players.

The term cheesing is believed to have originated from the game "StarCraft," in which players would use a strategy involving mass production of cheap, low-tech units (known as "zerglings") in order to overwhelm their opponents. This strategy was often derided by other players as being unfair or cheap and was referred to as "zerging" or "cheesing" (a reference to the fact that zerglings are fast and numerous, like mice in a cheese factory).

Over time, the term cheesing has come to be used more broadly to refer to any tactic in a video game that is seen as unfair or cheap. It is often used as a pejorative term to describe strategies that are seen as exploiting the game's mechanics or taking advantage of other players.

Here are a few example sentences using the word cheesing:

  • "I can't believe he won the game by cheesing. That's not fair at all."

  • "I don't like cheesing, it feels like cheating to me."

  • "I don't mind playing against someone who cheeses, as long as they admit it and we can have a fair fight afterwards."

  • "I'm not very good at cheesing, I prefer to play the game honestly."

  • "I don't want to cheese, but sometimes it feels like the only way to win against these guys."


Cheese tactic a tactic that is frowned upon because the use of it gains one easy victories. Cheese tactics are employed most often by newbies, and are most effective against other newbies. Most such tactics weaken the user in such a way as to allow an experienced player to easily counter it and go on to defeat them. An example of such a tactic is the photon cannon rush. It is most effective against newbies because most newbies fail to scout and miss the opportunity to begin to counter it. The user has few resources to spare for home base defence, and if the photon cannons are not destroyed as soon as they are found, can be run past with quick units to attack the user's undefended main base.
